Key Dates and Deadlines

January 29

Abstract Submissions/Panelist applications due

January 31

Sponsorship sales open early (to previous year’s sponsors ONLY)

February 22

Sponsorship sales open (to all)


Abstract notifications issued (accepted/rejected)

March 18

Exhibit sales open early (to previous year’s exhibitors ONLY)

April 9

Exhibit sales open (to all) – Early bird rate – until June 27

April 18

Conference Registration – officially open

April 23

Draft papers and/or decks due for review

Early June

Draft papers/decks notifications issued (accepted/accepted with conditions/rejected)

June 27

Presenters/Panelists must be registered for the conference to be included in the program

June 27

Conference registration – Early bird deadline

June 27

Exhibit rates – Early bird deadline

June 27

Last day to purchase a sponsorship package (if not already sold out)

June 28

Conference registration/Exhibitor sales – Regular rates commence

July 15

Revisions due – draft papers accepted with conditions

Late July

Presenter schedule announced


Authors notified if their paper is accepted for publication

Late August

Presenter Training/Information Session

August 26

Conference registration – Regular rates deadline

August 27

Conference registration – Late/Onsite rates commence

September 3

Deadline for final edits to presenters/author information and presentation titles

September 12

Final papers due for publication and final decks due for presentation

September 20-22

Fall Technical Meetings

September 22-25

TAC Conference & Exhibition